The Definitive Guide to Ecommerce Marketing: How to Grow Your Business with Effective Online Marketing

If you're a business in the ecommerce space, you already know that an online marketing strategy, sustained marketing efforts, and ongoing brand development are critical to success.

So, if you haven't yet got any marketing strategies in place for your ecommerce  store, it's time to get started with your online brand strategy.

Marketing results are flexible, so you've got options, whether you want to drive overall sales, promote a set of services, raise brand awareness, or encourage a new customer demographic to jump on board.

Crucially, whatever brand marketing services and strategies you opt for, they need to harness the right media design to help your prospective customers jump to the next level of the buying journey - always tailored to your business!

Why You Need An Ecommerce Marketing Strategy for Your Brand

An ecommerce marketing plan is the first crucial step in converting bystanders into paid-up customers!

Without a brand marketing plan, ecommerce marketing is a shot in the dark, and there is no guarantee you’ll get the results you’re looking for.

The issue for many businesses is that they've got a marketing strategy and appreciate the value of SEO marketing but don't know ways to turn that into a list into a strategy of brand targets, marketing tactics, and online media.

Our marketing advice would be to keep sampling your customers to see which ecommerce marketing content and software has the biggest impact, as customer analytics is a key component to understanding your target market and customers.

Customers aren't always predictable, so it's a case of evaluating each marketing outcome and seeing where your digital marketing brand ideas are driving the results you want.

Ecommerce Marketing Actions To Drive Online Business Performance and Results

Remember, ecommerce customers don't go from an interested party to a loyal brand convert in just one marketing hit! It takes several exposures to the brand, services, and products for someone to become a buyer. This is why digital marketing strategies are essential to online sales.

You need to embrace effective strategies and the idea that your ecommerce marketing tools are there to keep plugging away toward bigger brand goals:

  • Driving traffic to your online store and web page through PPC

  • Converting website visitors into happy customers

  • Retaining customers after the initial sale through ongoing marketing strategies

Ecommerce marketing isn't a one-hit-wonder; it's a valuable digital marketing tool that combines a range of on- and off-website marketing elements, working together ultimately to improve business sales.


Upselling Ecommerce Products Through Smart Marketing

Upselling marketing works. Period.

There are thousands of sales techniques and email software designed to upsell, but, in a nutshell, you're marketing to tempt customers to purchase a premium brand or added-value services.

That means spending more with your ecommerce business and having a better customer experience!

It's up to your marketing team to identify the right upsell product links, or choose to cross-sell and pack more services into that basket.

Incorporating Email Campaigns Into Ecommerce Marketing

Email marketing is a fine art.

Capturing a stack of email addresses through your web channel marketing isn't close to enough to optimize your customer engagement.

A great digital marketing strategy will include email tasks such as:

  • Sending a welcome email to new customers

  • Issuing appreciation messages for a customer referral

  • Publishing relevant ecommerce content or a useful product guide

  • Creating exclusive email marketing campaigns or promotions 

  • Making a fuss of high-value customers that drive sales and are important to your business

Rather than waiting for a customer to search for a specific product, you want your marketing team to reach out via email and invite them back to your website through the new products your ecommerce  store offers.

Targeting Ecommerce Customers Through Social Media Marketing Integrations

Integrating social platform marketing is a great SEO strategy if you have access to media marketing content or use an agency to create incredible marketing imagery.

Social media marketing thrives on search engagement, so incorporating that into your ecommerce marketing can bring great results.

Instagram is a great online ecommerce partner, with over 500 million daily active users (and potential marketing customers!).

If you don't have an SEO marketing team, or they're focused on Google rankings, a media marketing agency can help out. They can create brand content that is optimized to promote your products and services.

Not all marketing demographics rely on email communications, so selling ecommerce products through a social media platform is a great option to use PPC - or pay to play - ads and marketing.


Creating Email Marketing Sequences to Reduce Abandoned Carts on Your Website

Every time customers abandon an ecommerce cart, there’s an email marketing opportunity.

A remarkable number of ecommerce carts are left stuck at checkout, forever waiting to arrive at a doorstep.

Usually, abandoned carts arise from a cumbersome step in the sales chain, which you can fix with simple marketing strategies:

  • Expensive ecommerce shipping costs

  • The inconvenience of having to create a customer account

  • Unexpected total online order costs

  • Ecommerce or website marketing errors 

Email marketing is powerful since you can give customers an email nudge with a shiny marketing incentive and pick up a substantial amount of sales by reminding customers through soft-sell emails that they want those products!

Using Facebook For Marketing Ecommerce Products

Social media marketing is a whole different strategy of ecommerce marketing than email marketing or other digital strategies, but the big website channels act as an online ecommerce partner in their own right.

Facebook website stores are a viable social ecommerce marketing platform and are pretty straightforward to set up. You can use your social media account to post relevant content and run ads that will be shown to your target market.

Think of it as an extra social marketing partner to expose your products for Google SEO indexing or as a stand-alone social marketing agency.

Online shopping software such as Shopify links directly to the Facebook store, generating additional website sales without extra marketing work or Google PPC fees.

Marketing To Drive Subscriptions To Ecommerce Bulletins

While we've said that ecommerce email marketing isn't all about the numbers, you still need to search for those subscribing customers to make any email marketing strategy work.

Marketing an ecommerce email is personal to the customer, so you should make sure it sounds like it was uniquely written for the reader.

A sound marketing campaign can deliver serious website hits, provided your email content offers beneficial ecommerce services to your customer.

Again, your marketing team can search for an ecommerce marketing agency if you can't spend time constructing lead-gen marketing email sequences.

Google SEO is a compelling way to attract higher marketing sign-ups to emails - you want to actively promote your newsletter media and use marketing email capture incentives as a primary CTA on your landing pages.

Improving Ecommerce Customer Communication Marketing

A marketing strategy is all about how your ecommerce team connects with your customer through digital services and strategies.

The better your online content marketing strategy, the more PPC, and Google SEO website results you'll see.

Digital marketing strategies that service a need work. So, if you're already producing online ecommerce marketing content, let's think about the strategy to drive more hits.

Ways To Invest In Content Marketing As An Ecommerce Exercise

There are several ways  ecommerce content marketing can be a powerful source of sales for your business. You can utilize content marketing on your website in the following ways:

  • Feature a blog search button on your ecommerce online store

  • Start a social podcast to build a customer community

  • Post guest content on a partner website to generate backlinks (a great Google SEO marketing strategy!)

  • Mix up long- and short-form ecommerce online content

Content marketing is one of the strings to your ecommerce marketing bow, so don't forget to plan to add value for your customers at every step!

Customer Loyalty Marketing Techniques

Rewarding your top customer base is a viable ecommerce strategy to optimize sales, and one of those marketing strategies that take a bit of time to see results.

We know that ecommerce marketing is a long game, but it's got some great rewards.

  • Return online customers make up about 22% of ecommerce revenue

  • Loyal buyers spend 15% more if they return to an ecommerce website

  • That chunk of online customer sales comes from just 11% of the total ecommerce customer base

An ecommerce loyalty program strategy incentivizes your online customer to make purchases, and you can plan all sorts of agency marketing tools such as automated email systems to keep on top of your email brand content.

Live Chat Marketing Tools To Enhance Ecommerce Sales

Digital marketing offers countless strategy options and ways for a business to engage with ecommerce customers online.

Live chat is an exceptional plan for ecommerce marketing.

Shoppers want to feel like they're at home in their favorite ecommerce business.

You can use ecommerce live chat as a marketing strategy to target high-value returning customers or prompt a marketing chat if a customer has used the website search function but not checked out.

Proactive ecommerce marketing content answers customer barriers to buying before they dump that abandoned cart.

Ecommerce Marketing Through Mobile Optimization

Search engine optimization is a must for an ecommerce mobile store. A marketing strategy to optimize your ecommerce store opens up a world of SEO potential.

Optimization is reasonably simple and means that you're not skipping over the 50% of ecommerce customers who plan to buy or search through a remote device.

Simple marketing tweaks through optimization ecommerce services make a substantial brand difference.

An ecommerce marketing agency can optimize each page on your website to rank well in search engines, which helps drive traffic to your ecommerce store and increase sales.

Try adding a bigger ecommerce cart so your online customer can search their cart content easily or add responsive marketing design buttons to make it enjoyable to buy ecommerce products through a mobile device.

Leveraging Consumer Content As A Marketing Tool

User-generated content is the gold-standard strategy of social proof.

When your customers become your social brand advocates, you've hit the next level of ecommerce!

Over 50% of ecommerce customers trust online search reviews more than Google.

User reviews is a business social content strategy that is pretty much free ecommerce marketing, so you'll get a great return on any costs of customer incentives you offer.

Personalized Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce Businesses

Every business ecommerce marketing rung you climb comes from a series of personal ecommerce interactions.

A PPC and Google SEO strategy works because it drives high-volume clicks, each one contributing to the bigger picture.

Personalized ecommerce marketing makes your customers feel valued, using business marketing to speak directly to them.

An ecommerce marketing strategy that adapts social content or business communications on your website to the individual can improve sales by 10% - so using business tools to adjust your business messaging based on location, or previous purchases can bring great results.

Learn more about Wix eCommerce vs Shopify.